Education Strain Counterstrain
The Jones Institute Europe teaches "the original" Strain Counterstrain technique, an American Osteopathic approach developed by Dr. Lawrence H. Jones D.O. It's the only European organization authorized in teaching the method Strain Counterstrain. The techniques' peculiarity are: The utilization of specific diagnostic points, the extraordinary facility of execution, the immediate response on the patient, the long lasting therapeutic effect and the absolute a-traumacity of the technique.
Strain Counterstrain is considered by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) the most advanced and innovative manual technique in osteopathic medicine. It’s applicability in fact is not directed to the musculoskeletal dysfunction itself, but the neurologic reprogramming of the circuit α-γ and similar, which maintains the dysfunction. This approach permits the immediate and lasting correction of the erroneous neurological outflow at the base of the innerved structure.
Each course it's a three day seminar program, which introduces a new concept in the evaluation and treatment of somatic dysfunction. Strain Counterstrain (SCS) is a gentle, a traumatic manual medicine procedure that involves indirect positioning of a painful restricted muscle or joint in a skilled way that reduces inappropriate proprioceptor activity thereby arresting pain and aberrant muscle tone to normalize joint range and function as fast as 90 seconds.
Upon completion of each course participants will be able to:
Understand the neuromuscular basis for SCS
Perform a full body SCS evaluation
Perform SCS treatment techniques for common joint dysfunction
Use the SCS documentation format
Design an exercise home program using the SCS philosophy
Strain Counterstrain can be use in conjunction with: articular techniques, muscle energy, myofascial release, Trigger point therapy, exercises and modalities.
Our audience are fully licenced or last year of study:
Physiotherapist (PT), Occupational Therapist (OT), Osteopathic doctors (D0), Medical doctors (MD) especially orthopedics & physiatrist, Dentists (DDS) and Chiropractors (DC).
Each attendee will receive a Course Syllabus a Flip Chart (SCS I,II,III & UQ courses only), and a Certificate of Completion.
Videotaping of the course si not aloud!
For more information inherent the technique SCS we invite you to visit the page information.
Jones Institute courses are 20 continuing education contact hours.
The Jones Institute is an authorized ATC Provider (NATA-BOC #P717) and NCBTMB Approved Provider (#298814-00). Courses are approved according to state requirements, (check with your state provider). If your state requires pre-course approval the number will be printed on the course certificate, obtained upon completion of the course.
The Jones Institute Europe proposes several consecutive levels in Strain & Counterstrain technique divided in:
Basic levels, Specialistic levels, Advanced levels and Other courses
Certification is for licensed healthcare professionals only that have completed at least SCS I°, SCS II° and SCS III° through the Jones Institute, and have a minimum of three years of patient care experience utilizing the Strain and Counterstrain technique.
The Jones Institute Europe SCS formation consist of consequential levels, starting from the introductory SCS I° course, passing on to the SCS II° level and moving on to SCS III°. After the completion of these three basic levels the student can attend SCS IV° or/and SCS V°. The Specialistic levels can be attendend in this order: SCS UQ, LQ, PP, VC, VL & AR can be done only after the SCS I°.