Strain Counterstrain for Upper Quarter (SCS UQ) it's specialistic course on neck, upper extremity and thorax disorders. Not only, in this course it is shown how to treat the patient in different positions so to allow the clinician to move more freely in his work.
Lecture and extensive lab time are spent on:
Cervical evaluation and treatment lab
Thoracic evaluation and treatment lab
Rib evaluation and treatment lab
Rachis relation with the upper extremity
Neural & fascia tension on the upper quarter
Agonist-Antagonist muscle relations
Unequal arm length
Shoulder evaluation and treatment lab
Elbow/Wrist & Hand evaluation and treatment lab
Emphasis is placed on developing palpatory skills to enhance the students' effectiveness with the techniques. In the seminar will be explained how to evaluate all the major muscle and joints dysfunctions of the upper extremity and treat the specific area so to release pain and achieve the lost mobility. Will be explained the connection among the various spine area and the extremities.
Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:
Understand the neuromuscular basis for SCS
Perform a full body SCS evaluation
Perform a SCS treatment techniques for common upper extremity joint dysfunction
Use the SCS documentation format
Design a home program using the SCS philosophy
Over 65 different techniques will be demonstrated.
The main dysfunction treated with this course are:
Neck & Head referral pain patterns from shoulder stiffness, Upper extremity referral pain patterns from neck, thoracic & lumbar region dysfunctions, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Fascia pain syndrome, Frozen shoulder, bicipital & tricipital pain, Lateral (Tennis elbow) & Medial (Golf elbow) elbow pain, Varus elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Wrist pain syndromes, Dupuytren's disease, lock finger, Unequal arm length.