Jones Strain Counterstrain

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In-person Courses
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Evidence-Based Medical Training
Original Strain Counterstrain
The Jones Institute Europe teaches "the original" Strain Counterstrain technique, an American Osteopathic approach developed by Dr. Lawrence H. Jones D.O. It's the only European organization authorized in teaching the method Strain Counterstrain (SCS), hinge of the modern American osteopathy. We founded the first Strain Counterstrain School in the world, offering a specialistic formation organized in a 2 year multilevel program. For know the school is active only in Italy, while in the rest of Europe we teach singul seminars. We are looking forward to develop the school throw out the rest of Europe as well.  The technique do to its’ peculiarity like: The utilization of specific diagnostic points, the extraordinary facility of execution, the immediate response on the patient, the long lasting therapeutic effect and the absolute a-traumacity of the technique. SCS is considered by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) the most advanced and innovative manual technique in osteopathic medicine. It’s applicability in fact is not directed to the musculoskeletal dysfunction itself, but the neurologic reprogramming of the circuit αand similar, which maintains the dysfunction. This approach permits the immediate and lasting correction of the erroneous neurological outflow at the base of the innerved structure.

Before your first Strain Counterstrain course download "chapter 13" underneath from the Book: "Rational Manual Therapies" by John V Basmajian & R. Nyberg

Chapter 13 - SCS - French
Strain Counterstrain Introduction
7 Wasy to treat the QL muscle
Strain Counterstrain Definition
Peroneal Muscles
Lesson on the Quadratus Lumborum
TMJ Point

If you're interested in hosting a Strain Counterstrain course or demonstration

download the: Hosting file or please feel free to contact us at our email and we will communicate to you all the modalities

Jones Institute is an approved provider for the NATA & NCBTMB.

"Jones Strain Counterstrain technique" is a registered trademark, any use of this terminology may occur in legal persecution!
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