Info & Costs - Jones Strain Counterstrain

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Info & Costs

Administrative Informations
The Jones Institute Europe holds courses in the American Osteopathic technique Strain Counterstrain throughout European countries

The Jones Instiute Europe is the satellite office throughout Eruope  of the American Jones Institute, settled in San Diego California (USA), founder of the osteopathic technique Strain Counterstrain. The only company in Europe authorized to teach the above mentioned method.

THE SCS COURSES HAVE A DURATION OF THREE DAYS: (indicatively 24 hours course)
9:00 am - 6:30 pm FRI
8:30 am - 7:00 pm SAT
8:00 am - 5:30 pm SUN

Fully licensed Physiotherapists (PT), Medical Doctors (MD), Osteopathic Doctors (D0) and Chiropractors (DC) (These two last therapists, after evaluation of their degree). The average number of participants to our classes is around 25 students, in this way we are able to give a correct assistance to every participant; the minimum number of subscription for the carrying out of a course is around 16 registrations.

Medical Doctor & Surgeon, Doctor of Osteopathy. Expert in rehabilitation medicine and neuromuscular problems. Dr. Gandino "board president" of the Jones Institute Europe has taught Strain Counterstrain in several European countries for the past 16 years. He is the only European to have completed his entire course of study at the Jones Institute in the USA.

Designated by the Jones Institute

In every state not English speaking a local translator will be provided, lecture will be exposed in English or Italian.
Contract & Rules
Jones Strain Counterstrain is a registered and proteceted trademark in all European continent.
Information’s and material gained during any of our events can be used for the only practical purposes. In no other way can be used the terminology "Jones Strain Counterstrain". During these events no audio and/or video registration is permitted, nor is the partial or total reproduction of any material support obtained or bought at the events. Every participant prior to the starting of the event needs to sign the informatory on the protection of the technique, for any further information visit the page trademark.

    • The cost of tuition is € 675 per person. Late Registration is € 775 per person. (two weeks prior to the course start date.)
    • Discount for groups of 5 people or more.
    • All the participants who intend to retake a course in SCS, the cost for them will be of € 495 per person.
    • All are courses are VAT free.
    • If indicated, there could be a discount on the course for those who have partecipate at the presentations on schedule.
    • Initial course confirmation is automatically sent to the email address you provide. PLEASE BE SURE WE HAVE YOUR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR PROFILE INFORMATION BEFORE REGISTERING.
    • An email will be sent out to you after your registration, indicating all the informations for the payment, that as to be made via wire bank trasfer.
    • Facilitation: It's possibile to divide the payment of the course in two instalments; the last one in with one week from the begginig of the course. This facilitation is not aviable with discounts.
    • For any other information please fill free to contact as at:

    • Anybody who have booked in a course and cannot participate can benefit of the credit paid by writing to us as soon as possible, so to freeze the credit. This credit can be used with no penalties in with one year from the inscription date for any course in program in all the European territory. Or he can ask to be refunded, which implies a penalty, for penalty informations read bellow:
    • All cancellation received thirty days prior to the course date will be totally refund, minus a fee of € 50 for bureaucratic expenses.
    • All cancellation received between the twenty-ninth and the fourteenth day prior to the course date will be refund only for 50% of the course cost
    • All cancellation received from the thirteenth and the third day prior to the course date will incur in a 75% fee.
    • All cancellation received later than the third day has no refund.
    • The Jones Institute Europe holds the right to cancel any course at any time with at least a 48 hour's notice via email, in this case all the tuition cost will be totally refund and no fees will be added.

    Each course is 26-28 contact hours. The Jones Institute is an authorized ATC Provider (NATA-BOC #P717) and NCBTMB Approved Provider (#298814-00). Courses are approved according to state requirements, (check with your state provider). If your state requires pre-course approval the number will be printed on the course certificate, obtained upon completion of the course.

    Each participant will receive a course syllabus (in the local language or in alternative in English), 11”x14" Flip Chart and a certificate of completion.
    Prior to your first Strain Counterstrain Course we suggest to read from the Book: Rational Manual Therapies by John V Basmajian & Ri ch Nyberg - download and read: Chapter 13 by Randall S. Kusunose.

    For more information inherent the technique SCS we invite you to visit the page: SCS-I
    If you're interested in hosting a Strain Counterstrain course or demonstration

    download the: Hosting file or please feel free to contact us at our email and we will communicate to you all the modalities

    Jones Institute is an approved provider for the NATA & NCBTMB.

    "Jones Strain Counterstrain technique" is a registered trademark, any use of this terminology may occur in legal persecution!
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